Helmut Schwichtenberg

Robert L. Constable

Gilles Dowek

Tamir Heyman

Arthur van Leeuwen

Yaroslav S. Usenko

The neverending chess game

Neil D. Jones

Pawel Urzyczyn

John Harrison

Robert, Gilles, Pawel, Helmut, Arne, John

Another walk to the Ettwiesenweiher

Waiting for the farewell dinner

Klaus, Sharon, Orna

Stanley kneels before Katharina

Gilles gets his mug

Peter thanks everyone in the name of all participants



Drinks and Sarah

The Orna Lambda

Lambda attacked by an ordinal

The Goalkeeper Lambda

Eagerly awaiting the next Lambda

Discrete Vardi Machine

Two Lambdas

Drowning Lambda

Hanging Lambda

The Team Lambdas

Dinner table

Talent show

Talent show

Talent show

Talent show

Talent show

Talent show

Talent show

Talent show

Talent show

Talent show

Talent show

Watching the talent show


The jazz band from Munich

Spider in the window