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This page describes the events during the SAS 2000 conference at the University of California, Santa Barbara, California.
07:30 Breakfast buffet at the ``De La Guerra'' building. Wide selection of foods and drinks (water, juices, coke, lemonade, milk with much fat, less fat and without fat, even some soft drink with a blue color), microwave ovens, just anything.
07:41 Hey, Yassine is also here.
08:25 Fast registration for SAS 2000 just before the first talk of today.
12:30 Lunch. I select taco, pasta, melons, orange cake, hot chocolate, and orange juice. Good.
13:45 I read some email and arrange a visit with Leslie Lamport at DEC/Compaq on July 6.
14:45 There is a bug on one of Andreas Podelski's transparencies, but it can easily removed by blowing that poor animal away.
17:45 I read some more email and arrange a visit with John Rushby and Natarajan Shankar (SRI) on July 7.
18:52 There is a buffet for the non-student participants, which started at 17:30 and now the students are at least allowed to have some drinks. I'll have a look.
19:23 Well, at least I got a coke. Now I will start exploring the campus. What a pity that I only have ten $20 bills, and no smaller money. So I cannot use any pay phones (well, it's night in Europe now anyhow), and also food vending machines only accept $1 bills. And all on-campus shops seem to be closed. Well, on TV in Las Vegas I saw that one can survive three weeks without food, three days without water (well, water you can get at every corner here from these funny fountains), and three hours in the cold (but it's quite warm now).
19:50 The Pacific. Looks like any other ocean. I walk along the coast.
Sunset. Not many people around, just some joggers. And a police car, but I
don't seem to have a suspicious appearance. At the ``Events Center'' there
seem to start some basketball competitions soon.
21:00 I'm back from the campus walk. Still hungry. I write the last part of this day's travel report, take two pictures (completing the first film), listen to some music, and go to bed.
07:30 At breakfast there is a discussion about guns and the death penalty. Just the right topic for a peaceful start into the morning.
11:35 The Mac which provides the Internet access just shows a black screen. Now I'm much more interested in just plugging my laptop into the local network here. The IP address is printed on the Mac, but I don't have the IP address of the default route, so this will be difficult.
Comic Book Guy: ``I'm interested in upgrading my twenty eight point eight kilobaud Internet connection to a one point five megabit fiber-optic T-1 line. Will you be able to provide an IP router that's compatible with my token ring Ethernet LAN configuration?''
The Simpsons Episode 5F11 ``Das Bus''
15:22 Finally, I have found a way to upload the HTML files: I copy the files to a floppy disk and insert it into a PC which is provided for UCSB students. There I load each file into a word processor, copy everything to the clipboard and paste that into the telnet window where I have a connection to my web server, having typed in, e.g., ``cat >barbara.html'' before. Then an end-of-file character (Ctrl-D) and I'm done. If you are reading this before I return from this trip, this effort was worth it.
17:35 Dinner buffet at the ``Ortega Hall''. After the dinner we drive into ``downtown'' Santa Barbara, and walk along State Street, which is the main shopping road.
19:12 A bookstore has a very special atmosphere here. People are sitting around, mostly on the floor, reading books and/or drinking coffee, which is served in the store. My luggage is heavy enough with the PDPTA and SAS proceedings, so I don't buy a book here.
20:00 We have some drinks at ``The Natural Cafe''.
20:48 Just in time we catch bus number 11, which takes us back to the university campus. The ride is quite long, about 45 Minutes.
22:20 Back in my room, I update the travel report and check my travel books about what to do in the next few days here around Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.
09:11 I pack my bags.
10:04 A shuttle from UCSB takes us to Santa Barbara Airport. This is where business ends and my holidays begin.
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