Robert L. Constable

Coffee break

Gathering for the group photo

Gathering for the group photo

Group photographers

End of the photo session

Gilles Dowek

Orna Grumberg

Neil, Orna, Tobias, Moshe

Neil D. Jones

32.2 degrees centigrade

Robert, Orna, Gilles, Moshe, Michael, Neil

The spectators

The spectators

Let the game begin!

We get green shirts

The Replacement Kickers

Throw-in for Marktoberdorf

Marktoberdorf attacks

We can fight, too!

We scored!

1:1 at halftime; strategic planning

Is there is chance to win?

Interruption: Peter got badly hit

Coach Stanley explains the situation

The game is on again

Goal for Marktoberdorf

Pushing forward

That's a miss

Clouds above Marktoberdorf

We need another goal

Close encounters

The moon above the stadium

The game has ended; Peter seems to be okay

Disco at the boarding house

Disco at the boarding house

The locals are also dancing

We danced until 2:15