Helmut Schwichtenberg

Robert L. Constable

The excursion map

Gilles Dowek

A local TV station makes a report

Neil D. Jones

Waiting at the cable car station

Stephan, Greg, John, ?, Mass, Andrey, Tamara

See ya later!

Going up: Tamara, Andrey

Going up: Ben

Cable car technology

Hiking overview

A last look back

Our goal: The Aggenstein summit at 1996 m

The journey begins

Too steep for you, Mass?

Local vegetation (digitalis?)

View to the left

We started down there 30 minutes ago

Mass, Ben, Michael, Ando, Richard, Yevgeny, Andrey

The last climb (sign: ``Falling rocks - Wear a helmet'')

We're not the first ones

The Aggenstein summit cross

360 degree panoramic view from the Aggenstein summit

Relaxing on the summit

The view is worth the efforts

Andrey on the rocks

Group photo

A look down

Climbing down, single file

Local flora and fauna

Richard, Michael

Wood and stone

Austrian rock

Cold drinks at the Austrian cottage

The Austrian cottage

Which way?

The road slopes down

Sun and shadow

Local flora

Michael, Andrey, Mass

Look back into the sun

Cow crossing

Dinner table

Dinner table

Dinner table

Dinner table

Back down, waiting for the bus